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Month: November 2021

New Book Review: The Woman Who Tried To Be Normal

Reviewed by LESBIreviewed:

“The series always has twists and turns and in The Woman Who Tried To Be Normal there were more than ever.”

“Trying to put together the pieces of Helen and Ethel was a lot of fun…. Their connection was absolutely fascinating like how they went from just hating each other to being completely obsessed with each other.”

“Every piece of the puzzle when it was all revealed was like… surprise.”

“I recommend this for everyone who’s looking for a little something different with a sci-fi element.”

Thanks LESBIreviewed! 🙂


I’m back

Mega project is done and now in the ongoing forever stage. I have vacay-ed and rested. And this week, I resume work on Those Strange Women #4… by first re-reading Books 1-3 all over again because even the most excited of authors can forget what they once wrote (old age is going to be so fun).