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Made to tell a joke

Hello! How’s everybody doing? Is everybody okay out there (or should I say in there)?

I was sick a few days ago and quite convinced I had the coronavirus but today, it seems the the fever, urge to cough and breathlessness is gone. Was it just a mild case of the coronavirus good old garden-variety influenza? Who knows? Ever since a couple of my neighbours contracted the virus I’ve been too creeped out to leave my apartment. Even to get checked. Especially to get checked.

Anyway, amid all this doom and gloom, I told a funny story over at I Heart Lesfic’s blog. I don’t normally do funny and honestly I am not even sure if I can do funny properly, but after all that’s happened since the beginning of this year, I thought it’ll be good to try.

You can read it here. Lemme know if you laugh. Or don’t. Either way, stay home. And always wash your hands.

Published inAnna's Thoughts


  1. Robert Jenner Robert Jenner

    I felt your story was more of a ‘haaaa, that’s cool, snicker’ kind of funny than a slapstick giggle funny, or at least I said ‘haaaa, that’s cool’ and snickered to myself when I read it. Also you changed your professor’s life for the better! Whatever you were ultimately going for it’s a great anecdote. And it has a twist ending, what with you later dating the Dean, so it’s like there’s already a sequel in the works. 🙂

    In the United States, testing supplies for Covid-19 are at less than minimum. There were a few people I know who had symptoms and went to the doctor, who were told that everything they had a standard battery of tests available for came up negative, so they were instructed to simply go home and stay there. I don’t think staying at home and not spreading the infection rather than going out and getting checked is the worst thing unless the symptoms are life-threatening, but I’m not a doctor or anything. Anyway, we don’t have to look at this situation as being stuck in our homes. We can always pretend we’re on vacation in a suspiciously familiar looking AirBnB! Or we won a contest to spend a few weeks on alien planet, which is actually pretty boring since you can’t exactly go to the beach because the sand is granulated sulfur crystals and the ocean is liquid ethane, and they probably closed the beach anyway since there was an eruption of a nearby molten water-ice volcano. If all else fails, you can hug your partner on the couch, put your head on her chest and say, I’m taking a 20-minute vacation on your chest, because is there a better place to be anyway?

    • “If all else fails, you can hug your partner on the couch, put your head on her chest and say, I’m taking a 20-minute vacation on your chest, because is there a better place to be anyway?”–this is why I say you should be an author, Robert. Many times, I think you’re better at this playing with words thing than I am 😀

      • Robert Jenner Robert Jenner

        You know normally I blush and sputter and try to deflect when this sort of thing is directed at me, but lately I’ve been giving this serious thought, especially after your replies to my comments, everyone in my work area clapping after I regaled them with the story of how Donald Trump came up with the idea for the US Space Force, and some of my online friends asking if I had a Patreon. So I did a little thought experiment to figure out why I can’t just sit down and write something. So I let my mind wander, and there I was in my hypothetical scenario, sitting down in front of my computer, cracking my knuckles, billions of potential words spinning around in my head, ready to take on the terrifying task of explaining an entire universe to a slightly interested reader, when my phone pings, alerting me that Snow White 2 is now on my Kindle.

        “MOTHERF*****,” I eloquate vociferously as I scramble for my phone. Mission aborted!

        But I guarantee you, if someday I ever find whatever I have to write about more interesting than gluttonously entertaining myself with the fruits of the creativity of others, you will be the first person I email shamelessly begging for a testimonial. Promise! 🙂

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