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Do I Have A Stepmother In Real Life?

Yes. Do I have feelings for her the way Snow White had feelings for the Queen in my book, Snow White and Her Queen? No. Hell no fucking way no! Even though the age gap between her and I is less than the gap between her and my father, we have no relationship. Zero relationship. If I had to choose between her life and my darling, precious pet’s life, I’d choose my pet without even blinking. If I had to choose between her life and an ex-colleagues life, I’d choose the ex-colleague after blinking. If I had to choose between her and one of my readers, I’d choose… you get the idea. The stereotype is real. My stepmother came into my life when I was really young and I hated her the second we were introduced because she represented the death of my parents marriage. It wasn’t even about her. It was what she represented that I hated. I think she tried a little, at the beginning, but gave up the second she had a child of her own. Today, we don’t even keep in touch. I wouldn’t call her if I won a million dollars and I know for sure she’d hang up on me if I called her to ask for a million dollars. This is the reality. All that romance between Snow White and Her Queen? Sheer imagination and fantasy.

Published inAnna's ThoughtsBook Series: Snow White and Her Queen

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