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Behind schedule but almost done!

If it were up to me, Book 2 (a really fun mind-twisting mystery! with lesbians of course) would have been done by August. But it wasn’t. The book took over. Each time I finished a draft, the book gave me ideas for new perspectives. Each time I changed the perspectives, the book gave me ideas on how to thicken the plot. And so on and so forth. Mysteries are way harder to write than straight-forward romance novels, I’ve since realised, or at least that’s how it feels for me. It’s been a long few months of eight (or nine? lost count) vastly different drafts but I’m thrilled to say, at last, that it’s almost all there and the story that’s come out of the process is leaps better than the one it was in draft five. I’m at Chapter 26 (of 31) in final revisions now and thereafter will embark on a month of pre-publishing work which means Book 2 should be out by mid-Dec or so? Phew. I have no idea how so many authors manage to get 3-5 books out a year (Harper Bliss! your productivity is amazing). I feel like I’m perpetually racing against time as it is so I suspect many other authors might secretly be superhuman.

Published inBook Series: Those Strange Women

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