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Work From Home Thoughts

Hullo! It’s been a while! And that’s because ever since my partner began working from home with me, we’ve been having logistical issues, particularly because we share a study, with my work desk right behind hers, and because she’s in a people-centric job role and needs to be on video calls almost all the darned day long. The reason you’re hearing from me now at last though is because I finally decided hopping from iPad to computer 10x a day was no longer sustainable and moved my desktop computer out to the dining table. Yes, you heard that right. Dining table is now my work desk and I can now use it all the livelong day like before without having to shift in and out of the study just so the back of my head won’t be visible during a video call. Phew. Anyway, just want to tell you I’m thrilled as hell to be having 100% access to my computer again and I hope you’re feeling great these days too. And for Robert Jenner and all who might have been biting nails in wait of this—yes, Snow White and Her Queen 2 is almost done. Almost, though not quite yet 😉 Maybe next time I post again, or next next time, I’ll have the big announcement for you. Stay tuned.

Published inAnna's Thoughts


  1. Robert Jenner Robert Jenner

    Frankly, at this point, I’m just happy that you and your partner are happy and healthy and staying safe, if it’s not too presumptuous to say. Snow White 2 will just be icing on the cake. Really delicious icing of course!

    • Hope you’re safe and healthy too with all that’s going on in the US now too, Robert. These are crazy times. Fortunately the only way to go from now on is up!

      • Robert Jenner Robert Jenner

        I do hope your last sentence doesn’t come back to haunt us all someday as the proverbial famous last words. What we’ll gain in appreciating the irony of the situation we will quickly lose in peace of mind when occupations like looting start to qualify as ‘gainful employment’. On the other hand optimism from a writer of dark and pessimistic novels is strangely reassuring. It’s like a vampire buying you a beer. She’s SEEN some things, but when she buys you a round, pats your shoulder gently and tells you things could be worse, it carries a lot more weight than, I don’t know, the Tooth Fairy. Probably the worst thing the Tooth Fairy’s ever seen is acute periodontitis.

        Okay this is off topic but that scene’s in my head now. A bar with a vampire on one side of me and the tooth fairy on the other both trying to cheer me up, neither one particularly concerned with social distancing since they’re supernatural creatures and just assume they’re COVID-proof. “Just let me see,” the Tooth Fairy says to the Vampire as she tries to get a look at her teeth.

        “Screw you,” the Vampire says, brandishing an empty beer bottle defensively. “Don’t mess with my canines, I need these to LIVE!”

        I steal their drinks while they’re distracted. The Vampire’s drinking El Gordo imperial stout and it’s heavenly, but what’s in the Tooth Fairy’s shot glass looks vaguely like Listerine, and when I drink it I immediately regret it, because it is in fact Listerine. I sneak out when they start kissing but do feel a measure of satisfaction that somehow I helped make this happen.

        • From experience, all writers of dark and pessimistic novels are always way more positive IRL than the sweet-looking bespectacled romance reviewer who just learned you ain’t gonna give her that HEA she NEEDS. So it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise. And haha you drank Listerine 🙂 Nice story. For a while, I was really picturing it, fangs over lips and all. I’m glad you made it happen too.

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