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Month: July 2021

Status Update: Feb-Jun 2021

Working on: Those Strange Women #4. And also that major project for my other business that I was supposed to have finished last month—but have not… 

Playing: Resident Evil Village, Hitman 3, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, Until Dawn

Reading/Read: The Story of the Human Body, The Nazi Doctors, The Private Lives of the Auschwitz SS, Anthro-vision

Watching/Watched: Fear Street Part 1, Snowpiercer, A Tale of Two Sisters (love this!), Year Million, Origins, Black Summer, Eli, Night Stalker, The Ripper, I’m sure there’s more but you know, movies come movies go… 

Thinking a lot about: Which vaccine to get? Will mRNA give me cancer in a decade? How to work faster? How to keep your brain sharp? Is having not had a long holiday type of break since 2020 burning me out? Should I just take two weeks off to do absolutely nothing to recharge? Why do I keep getting migraines? Are you sure mRNA won’t give us all cancer?