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Month: January 2020

Added 11 women to my Long List of Lesbians

As I promised, I’m going to add to this list I’ve been building once a month, so here are my Jan 2020 additions: Cynthia Nixon, Christina Marinoni, Fiona Shaw, Sonia Deraniyagala, Lori Lightfoot, Wanda Sykes, Alex Niedbalski, Ginny Dougary, Alison Goldfrapp, Lisa Gunning, Vita Sackville-West.

Many of the above are late in life lesbians with crazy-admirable careers so you know it is possible to be past 40 and falling in love with a woman for the first time, while also kicking ass at work. Anything, and everything is possible, dear readers. Everything.

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It’s decided. Next book will be…

Snow White and Her Queen 2. I didn’t expect it to be. I sat down and set out to work on The Privileged Ones but by the end of the hour, ideas for Snow White and Her Queen 2 were swarming and it ended up being what I spent the rest of the day, week and month doing. You must know I’m seldom in control when writing. My brain and heart want what they want and the rest of me just follows. 

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What’s next?

I’ve got 2 books in my head right now. The sequel to Snow White and Her Queen and another interactive one called The Privileged Ones which came to me in a dream, complete with cliffhangers, plot twists, ending and all (I literally watched the whole story play out in my sleep like a movie, weird but true). Of these 2, I haven’t decided which to work on first but they both will be done before I embark on the next mega project—the last 3 books and resolution of my Those Strange Women series.

If that excites you, remember you can always join my mailing list to be updated when new books come out. 


New Year revelations…

Since it’s the season for new resolutions, I thought it might be helpful to mention that Amazon Kindle is not available in my home country. Meaning I cannot buy Amazon Kindle books directly or view my own Kindle titles on (they don’t even appear in search). Nor can banks in my country receive direct payments from Amazon. Nor can foreign currency cheques be processed for cheap.

What I always see when browsing the Amazon Kindle store. No lesfic title is ever available for purchase.

It’s even worse with iBooks, where all I ever see in the app store is a permanent collection of about 50 free titles from the Dickens era. 

And yet, I’ve been self-publishing and earning from both those platforms for almost 3 years now. 

My point is: Life always finds a way. 

So think bold, dream beyond your boundaries and may you all have a brilliant and very exciting New Year ahead!